WREP Reporter Details
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Margherita Fiaccavento
https://reporter.wrep.eu/fiaccavento.margherita.9006CERTIFICAZIONE IN CORSO DI RINNOVO: l'iscrizione al Registro Web Reporter & Creator è attualmente non attiva
Reporter di Rome Central Magazine
Donna Italiana Autore, autore testi , giornalista free lance. Mezz'età , caucasica ancora da sposare e senza figli. Esperta in relazioni esterne e istutuzionali; cucino e pubblico foto e articoli di cucina da più di vent'anni. Esperta gastronoma .
Viale 2 giugno n°22 Castel San Giovanni (Pc) MOBILE 3280290686-
Place and date of birth ROMA 08/10/1968 Nationality ITALIANA
Education 1995 University (Laurea) degree in Political Science
English Read, written, spoken - fluent
French Read, written, spoken - fluent
Spanish Read, written, spoken - good
Professional experiences
Today 2019 Consultant / magazine web author www.Romecentral.com
2012 – 2013 AMAZON Photo studio Associate Amazon.it
2007- 2011 RAI.NET Senior editorial content- Rai net
2005 – 2007 TEL.M.A University Communication Manager Università Telematica non statale TEL.M.A
2000 - 2001-RAI EDUCATIONAL Author Texts at the editorial staff of “La rai à la carte”
1999- CONSORZIO CIVITA Consultant designing and coordinating EU funds
1999- RAI EDUCATIONAL Author Texts at the editorial staff of “Mosaico”, “Mondo3”,
1997- RAI EDUCATIONAL Consultant expert copyright acquisition Rai Educational
1998- CONSORZIO CIVITA Consultant planning and coordinating EU funds Project Pass directed to functionary General Management of Ministry of Cultural and Environmental Heritage,
Consultant planning and coordinating Project NOW“
Project Leonardo
Relevant skills
Additional information
Drafting: Texts - titles - launches of agency - Research of archival materials, realization of thematic playlists, palimpsest, editorial care of web pages and dedicated portals - production of videos in post-production viral and not. High Ability to adapt to the use of different software and platforms related to the production management and planning of audio and video useful for the promotion. Excellent knowledge of the functions of the Content Management System and of the online publication workflow.
Excellent writing skills and in-depth knowledge of the aspects related to web usability and web writing techniques like Content Writers.
I visited most of Europe and much of the Mediterranean; I’ve travelled through parts of Australia and the U.S. I lived in France and I worked in Paris early in my professional career. I know Italy for promoting actions for Formez (Center for Education Studies) and the Ministry of Culture throughout the country for a decade.
I'm an expert in gastronomy ....that complex rules and customs relating to food preparation, the art of cooking.
10/01/2019 I authorize the processing of personal data in accordance with GDPR 2018 and subsequent. changes to privacy.
Viale 2 giugno n°22 Castel San Giovanni (Pc) MOBILE 3280290686-
Place and date of birth ROMA 08/10/1968 Nationality ITALIANA
Education 1995 University (Laurea) degree in Political Science
English Read, written, spoken - fluent
French Read, written, spoken - fluent
Spanish Read, written, spoken - good
Professional experiences
Today 2019 Consultant / magazine web author www.Romecentral.com
2012 – 2013 AMAZON Photo studio Associate Amazon.it
2007- 2011 RAI.NET Senior editorial content- Rai net
2005 – 2007 TEL.M.A University Communication Manager Università Telematica non statale TEL.M.A
2000 - 2001-RAI EDUCATIONAL Author Texts at the editorial staff of “La rai à la carte”
1999- CONSORZIO CIVITA Consultant designing and coordinating EU funds
1999- RAI EDUCATIONAL Author Texts at the editorial staff of “Mosaico”, “Mondo3”,
1997- RAI EDUCATIONAL Consultant expert copyright acquisition Rai Educational
1998- CONSORZIO CIVITA Consultant planning and coordinating EU funds Project Pass directed to functionary General Management of Ministry of Cultural and Environmental Heritage,
Consultant planning and coordinating Project NOW“
Project Leonardo
Relevant skills
Additional information
Drafting: Texts - titles - launches of agency - Research of archival materials, realization of thematic playlists, palimpsest, editorial care of web pages and dedicated portals - production of videos in post-production viral and not. High Ability to adapt to the use of different software and platforms related to the production management and planning of audio and video useful for the promotion. Excellent knowledge of the functions of the Content Management System and of the online publication workflow.
Excellent writing skills and in-depth knowledge of the aspects related to web usability and web writing techniques like Content Writers.
I visited most of Europe and much of the Mediterranean; I’ve travelled through parts of Australia and the U.S. I lived in France and I worked in Paris early in my professional career. I know Italy for promoting actions for Formez (Center for Education Studies) and the Ministry of Culture throughout the country for a decade.
I'm an expert in gastronomy ....that complex rules and customs relating to food preparation, the art of cooking.
10/01/2019 I authorize the processing of personal data in accordance with GDPR 2018 and subsequent. changes to privacy.
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